The difference between jelly and marmalade also exists in the German language. But what is the difference between jam and marmalade? I have been asked this question many times, and there is an answer for that too. However, it's a bit older, as the well-known Food and Drug Administration established standards for this as early as 1940. These standards are still based on the old pioneer recipes of "half sugar, half fruit."
- Jelly - a gel made from fruit juice, sugar, and often pectin or acid. For every 55 kg of sugar, at least 45 kg of fruit must be used. As early as the 16th century, there were "preserved" fruits made with cane sugar.
- Jam - a thicker mixture of fruit and sugar (often with pectin) that is cooked until the fruits are soft and almost have no structure left, similar to a puree. The 45:55 rule applies here as well.
- Preserve - based on jam, but it can also contain whole fruit pieces or whole fruits.
- Marmalade - based on jam, but with fruit pieces and also fruit peel, typically from citrus fruits. A classic example is our Orange-Cranberry Marmalade, where you can see the orange peels.
- Fruit Spreads - fruit spreads that are not regulated by the FDA. They are often made from fruit juice concentrates and artificial sweeteners. Most of them are completely sugar-free.
- Fruit Butter - a spread where fresh fruits are cooked and stirred with spices until it becomes a soft and creamy fruit mixture.
And finally, the answer to the question of the most popular flavors in America: Grape Jelly, followed by Strawberry Jam. On average, a child eats about 1,500 PB&J sandwiches (PB - Peanut Butter, J - Jelly, Source: International Jelly and Preserve Association, by the time they finish school. For the "peanut butter and jelly" sandwich, our customers have the choice between chunky and creamy peanut butter. Interestingly, everyone seems to have a very uncompromising favorite in that regard.