Super Bowl Food - American snacks for the sports event of the year

Super Bowl Food - Chicken Wings

In early February, it's that time again. The Super Bowl final will crown the best American football team. On average, around 111 million Americans gather in front of their home televisions. Worldwide, the Super Bowl boasts an astonishing 800 million viewers. Whether you celebrate the sports event of the year at home with friends and acquaintances or head to a designated cinema – one thing is clear: the traditional Super Bowl food must not be missed!

For those who want to organize a Super Bowl party at home, the question "What are we actually going to eat on Super Bowl evening?" will surely come up. We provide you with useful tips, inspirations, and introduce some American products that you probably don't know yet.



Super Bowl Food: American Snacks to Munch On

For most viewers – whether in the USA or here – the food on Super Bowl day must be typically American.

No big surprise: Chips are the most popular snack for in-between. In the USA alone, over 14,000 tons of chips are consumed. Popcorn is also among the popular Super Bowl snacks. Americans devour about 4,000 tons of it. Nachos with cheese or salsa sauce are also highly coveted. Guacamole is also extremely popular for dipping. In the USA, 3.6 million kilograms of it are consumed on Super Bowl day alone.

In addition to chips, nachos, and popcorn, you can of course serve your guests other American snacks. For example, cheese bites or corn on the cob with butter and salt are well-received.

But even more exotic snacks, like bacon-wrapped dates, are gladly enjoyed on the day of the Super Bowl final.

With most American snacks for the Super Bowl, the appropriate sauces and dips are a must. We have compiled the best dips for you, turning your evening with friends into a culinary highlight.



These Dips Perfectly Match Chips, Nachos & Co.

Whether spicy, mild, tomatoey, or slightly fruity – here, everyone will find something they enjoy. For instance, we can recommend the Buttermilk Cracked Peppercorn Dressing by Stonewall Kitchen. This dressing is not only suitable for salads but also goes perfectly with various nibbles. A creamy base of buttermilk and parmesan with a touch of garlic oil and a slight kick of black pepper make the Buttermilk Cracked Peppercorn Dressing a delicious dip.

For those who like it a bit spicier, we recommend the Habanero Mango Aioli, which impresses with the slightly sweet taste of mango and the fiery heat of habanero chili.

With the Mild Tomato Salsa (mildly spicy) and the popular Country Ketchup, everyone seeking a tomatoey dip will be satisfied.

The Roasted Garlic Peanut Sauce makes the hearts of all peanut fans beat faster, while the Pineapple Chipotle Salsa appeals to those who prefer a fruity-smoky flavor.

You can find more sauces here.



Main Course - The Classic at Super Bowl Food

For those who want to serve their guests classic American main dishes at the Super Bowl, keep reading. Alongside classics like pizza, burgers, hot dogs, and turkey, one dish reigns supreme as the number 1 most popular main course at the Super Bowl: Chicken Wings. A whopping 1.3 billion chicken wings are devoured during the Super Bowl final in the USA. That averages to about almost 12 chicken wings per person (with 111,000,000 viewers).

Chicken wings are also trending here. Whether homemade or store-bought, one thing is essential for these crispy chicken wings: the appropriate sauce.



These Sauces Perfectly Match Chicken Wings

For the delicious chicken wings, we can recommend three delicious sauces to you. First and foremost, the spicy Ghost Pepper Aioli is a natural fit for chicken wings, as the name suggests. The rich, creamy aioli with spicy chilis provides a unique taste experience that your guests will surely remember for a long time.

In addition to the delicious Buffalo Aioli, we also offer the Hot Honey Wing Sauce. This sauce includes, among other things, a fiery cayenne pepper blend, fine Dijon mustard, piquant spices, fine honey, and red chili pepper. Besides dipping chicken wings, you can also use the sauce for crispy chicken burgers, chicken tacos, or nachos.

Particularly popular – and one of our bestsellers – is the Honey Barbecue Sauce, which pairs exceptionally well with chicken wings (as well as spare ribs, burgers, and fries). The sweet-fruity aroma of fresh tomatoes and fine honey makes it an absolute highlight. Mild in taste, it receives a pleasant touch of heat in the finish from natural chili extract and paprika oil. Definitely give it a try!

Our insider tip for those who prefer things a bit smokier: the Smoky Peach Whiskey Sauce by Stonewall Kitchen. This delicious sauce combines smoky notes with a slightly sweet kick. High-quality ingredients like Fresh American peaches, true southern Whiskey, Sweet honey and some Dijon mustard give the Smoky Peach Whiskey Sauce its excellent taste. This turns your meal into the real highlight of the Super Bowl final!



Delicious Desserts for the Super Bowl Final

Although the effective playing time of the Super Bowl averages less than eleven minutes, the entire game lasts three hours or so. This is due to numerous interruptions, commercials, and the legendary halftime show. It's not uncommon for your guests to get a bit hungry again despite the many snacks and abundant main course.

In that case, you should be prepared as well. To combat your guests' hunger, you can serve them a delicious American dessert. How about a tasty apple pie, homemade cupcakes, American cookies, or some ice cream?

Here, we've also put together some options for you. Let our delicious dessert sauces (which go wonderfully with ice cream, cake, or waffles) inspire you.


These Drinks Should Be Provided for the Super Bowl Final

How is the best way to wash down all that delicious Super Bowl food? With a big gulp of beer! At least that's what many Americans think. On the day of the final, an average of 120 million liters of beer are consumed in the USA.

So, for those who want to treat their guests to a typical American football evening, make sure that beer is on the shopping list. But also make sure to provide non-alcoholic beverages. Especially since the Super Bowl takes place late at night for us, you should definitely have plenty of soft drinks like cola in the house.



Additional Interesting Facts About the Super Bowl

In our article, we've mentioned how many chicken wings or tons of chips are consumed at the Super Bowl final.

Now, let's expand your knowledge with a few more facts about the Super Bowl, so you can impress your guests.

  • In the USA, about 680 million liters of water are flushed down toilets during halftime
  • No NFL team has ever reached the final in their home stadium
  • Pizza delivery services make one-third of their annual revenue on Super Bowl day (for this reason, Pizza Hut hires 11,000 temporary workers just for this day)
  • The average American spends almost $60 on clothing, food, and fan items before the Super Bowl
  • A 30-second Super Bowl commercial in 1967 cost only $34,500 (in 2017, the cost was nearly $5 million)
  • In the USA alone, almost $4 billion is "invested" in bets
  • The rate of illness increases by 6% on the Monday after the Super Bowl
  • Each player of the winning team receives a diamond-studded Super Bowl ring worth about $5,000
  • In 2013, a parking ticket near the Superdome in New Orleans cost €550
  • In 2014, the cheapest ticket cost $500
  • During the very first Super Bowl, tickets were sold for six dollars



4 Tips to Stay Awake During the Super Bowl Final

In the USA, the Super Bowl final begins in the late afternoon or early evening. This means that the sports event (due to the time difference) starts in Germany during the night from Sunday to Monday. If you want to watch the entire final, it's better to take the next day off.

Furthermore, there are a few things to consider so that you don't fall asleep prematurely during the Super Bowl. The website 2glory has summarized 4 tips to fight fatigue.



Small Snacks Help Against Fatigue

As we've already established, American snacks like chicken wings, nachos, chips, and more are part of a traditional Super Bowl evening. Nevertheless, you should refrain from stuffing yourself with all the delicacies – as tempting as it may be. The risk of falling asleep is much higher with a full stomach. During the game, opt for small bites instead. This will also help you avoid early fatigue.



Enjoy Alcohol in Moderation

During the Super Bowl, American beer (often light beer) is extremely popular and hard to imagine without. However, if you want to fully experience the mega-event, it's better to take it easy on the alcohol. Occasionally opt for a non-alcoholic refreshment instead.



Stay Active During Halftime

Especially during the halftime break (before the halftime show), the risk of falling asleep is particularly high. Use the time to stand up and move around a bit! Do you have a foosball table, a pool table, or a dartboard at home? Even better! Challenge your guests to a game.



Pre-sleep Instead of Falling Asleep

To be well-rested on the day of the Super Bowl final, you can go to bed early and "pre-sleep". This way, you'll be well-rested and ready to enjoy the game to the fullest – without having to fight against fatigue.
